We Do Anything and Everything (Almost)

January 12, 2016 One of the advantages of taking a private, custom-designed tour in Europe is that you can shape the trip to just about anything you desire. What are your unique interests? Your passions? Let us build those into the perfect trip, which has been designed just for you and your alone (or your […]

Tours Ahead in 2015

Updated March 26, 2015 Another exciting year lies ahead for European Focus Private Tours, with (so far) twelve custom-designed tours booked for the season, which begins in April. Here’s an example of what we’re doing with our clients this year: April 19-26 Ireland A family of four from South Carolina and Louisiana arrive in Dublin […]

When is the best time to visit…?

November 8 Based on our experiences and the feedback from more than 250 tours conducted in our career. Austria: Anytime is a great time to visit this alpine country but the big cities should be avoided in July and August due to heat and crowding. Like to see fresh snow? Late October is pretty much […]

What You Don’t Get on a Mass Produced Bus Tour

Reason Number 187 to take a European Focus Private Tour Bus tours cram so much into a single day that there is no chance for being spontaneous or taking the road less traveled. If you like to get up at 5:30 and have your bags outside your door by 6:30 then bus tours are probably […]

Jet Lag Tips That Make Sense

September 16 By Amy Capeta Today Fatigue, impaired memory, inability to concentrate, change in mood, digestive issues … all symptoms of jet lag, all no fun. While it’s impossible to prevent jet lag, there are ways to minimize its effects. “The fundamental definition of jet lag is that there’s a misalignment between the internal clock […]

Scenes around Burgundy, France

May 9 We are on an 18-day adventure with repeat clients Gayle and Peter from Amarillo, Texas. We started this trip in Chartres, France and will end in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Along the way we are exploring historic sites connected with the medieval pilgrimage route from France to Santiago. Millions of feet have passed […]