A Visit to Soultz-sous-Forêts, Alsace, France

September 8 – from a visit on September 6 Gloria Temple’s ancestors named Bayer came from the small town of Soultz-sous-Forêts, now located in the Alsace of France. When Gloria’s ancestors lived here, this was part of the German Empire.

The Blasted Guns Above Arromanches-les-Bains

July 29 – from a trip to this area July 14 to 17   The huge guns are silent now, but on June 6, 1944 they blasted huge shells at the men and machines attempting to land on the beaches of Normandy, France on what is known as ‘D-day’ or in Army terms, Operation Overlord. […]

The Mulberry Harbor at Arromanches, Normandy

July 29 – From a visit to this site on July 15                 The artificial harbor was the brainchild of Winston Churchhill. To see the remains of this formidable protective harbor, constructed in just a matter of days after the June 6, 1944 landings, takes ones breath away […]

2014 looks to be busiest year ever

July 23 With our 25th year looming ahead, and with 229 custom-designed trips under our belt, 2014 looks to be the year that we will most likely fill our calendar completely by the end of 2013, as our repeat clients book their next tour usually while they are on their current one, or soon after. […]

D-Day Memories Kept Alive by Grateful French

July 16 Three nights spent touring the battlefields and landing beaches of Normandy, which suddenly came to the world’s attention in the early hours of June 6, 1944, have taught us that the French have enduring gratitude for what our young men accomplished on that day and during the weeks and months that followed. It’s […]

A Shortcut Today Through France

July 9 While making our way from Meersburg on the Bodensee of Germany over to the southwestern corner of the country and the Suedliche Weinstrasse we decided to take a short-cut through a part of France. The Alsace is loaded with picturesque, colorful villages. The deeper colors and pastels can be found on houses along […]

The Bloody Failure of the Maginot Line

July 9 (From Wikipedia, photo by European Focus The Maginot Line named after the French Minister of War André Maginot, was a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles, and weapons installations that France constructed along its borders with Germany during the 1930s. The line was a response to France’s experience in World War I and was […]