What You Don’t Get on a Mass Produced Bus Tour

Reason Number 187 to take a European Focus Private Tour

Bus tours cram so much into a single day that there is no chance for being spontaneous or taking the road less traveled. If you like to get up at 5:30 and have your bags outside your door by 6:30 then bus tours are probably created just for you. But there’s a problem with the entire bus tour thing, and our recent guest from Down Under knows this from recent experience.
Pat Majewski from Melbourne loves to take photographs. And, he’s not just a point and shoot guy. He sets up his photos and really takes his time to get it right. I would say that he is one of the few still using a handheld light meter. So, Pat needs time to compose and take his shots. They didn’t have this time during their June, 2013 whirlwind tour of Europe on Insight. Time is what he had in abundance during his and his wife Carol’s recent 12-day tour in Germany with European Focus. Because with us, it’s not about quantity. It’s about quality, and time to get it right.

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Your guide is also a photographer with more than 30 years of experience in finding the right place to take the right shot.

Your guide is also a photographer with more than 30 years of experience in finding the right place to take the right shot.

Posted in Austria Tours, Belgium Tours, Croatia Tours, England Tours, Europe Tours, Family History Tours, France Tours, Germany Tours, Great Hikes, Hungary Tours, Ireland Tours, Italy Tours, Luxembourg Tours, New Discoveries, Normandy Tours, Norway Tours, Poland Tours, Portugal Tours, Private Tours in Europe, Scotland Tours, Spain Tours, Sweden Tours and tagged , , , , , , .