Seeing the handiwork of an ancestor in Munich

George Then photographs figures high up in the town hall tower of the Munich Rathaus.

George Then had the unique opportunity (a first for a European Focus guest) to see the figures of the famous Glockenspiel atop the tower of the Munich Town Hall up close. A family member in Germany had something to do with the creation of these figures. Exactly what, is still to be determined. But through a little conversation with the people in charge, and a very nice caretaker Herr Eberhard, we were given access to the machinery room where the original motor from 1908 which controls the Glockenspiel still functions today. Susan Then even had the chance to press the “start” button at exactly 10:58.54 to start the process for the 11 a.m. performance. When the show was over, George had the opportunity to “right the knight,” pushing on the lance of the knight which had been knocked off his horse during the “jousting” section of the show. It was an unforgettable experience for all.

Detail of the tin figures.

Tourists down below in the Marienplatz watch the Glockenspiel's noon show

View towards the cathedral of Munich from the town hall tower

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