Better festivals in Germany than the Munich Oktoberfest Mania

Yes, I have taken clients to Oktoberfest in the past and I expect to do the same in the future. But for those who really want a true locals’ experience there are far better ways to drink large amounts of German beer and eat typical food. That’s me in 2017 at the Oktoberfest when we […]

Best offer ever for Bavaria experience in 2015

Discover the delights of Germany’s most picturesque area and dip into Austria on this 10-day adventure including: • Medieval Rothenburg ob der Tauber • The Romantic Road • Nurnberg • Roman “Castra Regina,” today’s Regensburg • Munich • King Ludwig’s Neuschwanstein Castle • Berchtesgaden including nearby Salzburg, Austria Day 1: Miltenberg am Main (1) Guests […]

Oktoberfest in Munich

The biggest beer festival in the world is just about to wrap up in Munich, Germany. We were there today, enjoying liters of Augustiner beer (a brewery pumping out great beer since 1378) and half chickens in a festival tent jammed with partiers dressed in lederhosen and dirndls. In fact, we felt a little out […]

Seeing the handiwork of an ancestor in Munich

George Then had the unique opportunity (a first for a European Focus guest) to see the figures of the famous Glockenspiel atop the tower of the Munich Town Hall up close. A family member in Germany had something to do with the creation of these figures. Exactly what, is still to be determined. But through […]