After Covid-19 A New Way of Travel

European Focus was at the forefront of sustainable, sensible and sensitive travel before it got to be a trendy thing. From the very beginning, three decades ago, owner and founder James Derheim knew that there just had to be an alternative to the mass-production, mass-group tours which were concentrated on “more, more, more” rather than […]

Magdeburg’s Magnificent Cathedral

August 25, 2015 Magdeburg was one of the most important medieval cities in Europe starting from the 10th century and lasting all the way up to 1631 when it suffered terribly during the 30 years war of 1618-48. Presented to Edith as a wedding gift from her husband’s father, the market town on the Elbe […]

What You Don’t Get on a Mass Produced Bus Tour

Reason Number 187 to take a European Focus Private Tour Bus tours cram so much into a single day that there is no chance for being spontaneous or taking the road less traveled. If you like to get up at 5:30 and have your bags outside your door by 6:30 then bus tours are probably […]

Jet Lag Tips That Make Sense

September 16 By Amy Capeta Today Fatigue, impaired memory, inability to concentrate, change in mood, digestive issues … all symptoms of jet lag, all no fun. While it’s impossible to prevent jet lag, there are ways to minimize its effects. “The fundamental definition of jet lag is that there’s a misalignment between the internal clock […]

Chartres, France is a medieval jewel

May 2 We just finished two days of exploring Chartres, a city about a hour to the south and west of Paris but many more miles away in terms of peace and a small-town feeling evoking a time more than 900 years ago. Chartres is not just amazing for its huge cathedral, although that is […]