Travel Tips, Packing Recommendations, Rules of the Road

TRAVEL TIPS TOP EIGHT European Focus, Inc. European Focus Private Tours Established in 1989 Do NOT hit print unless you want to burn up around 38 pages of paper – smile. Taking 35 – 40 minutes of time to read through these tips, gathered over a period of decades and watching hundreds of people make […]

Our Extensive Travel Tips

January 20, 2016 No other tour company prepares their guests for European Travel like European Focus Private Tours.

Our Extensive Travel Tips Help Prepare You for A Great Time in Europe

No other company does this, not Trafalgar, not Globus, not any cruise line. European Focus Private Tours works hard to smooth the road for our guests long before they get on the airplane to come to Europe. Our extensive, detail-packed “Travel Tips” helps the inexperienced European traveler avoid common mistakes and makes travel a more […]

Jet Lag Tips That Make Sense

September 16 By Amy Capeta Today Fatigue, impaired memory, inability to concentrate, change in mood, digestive issues … all symptoms of jet lag, all no fun. While it’s impossible to prevent jet lag, there are ways to minimize its effects. “The fundamental definition of jet lag is that there’s a misalignment between the internal clock […]

When in Dingle, Ireland…

Eat at “Out of the Blue” by all means, but beware, their tasty seafood chowder is expensive at 8.50 a bowl and it’s a small serving. Eat at Ashe’s Pub on Main Street for sure, but stay away from the awful Traditional Irish Stew. The lamb meat used is full of gristle and fat. Have […]