But it never gets hot in Germany! (Or England, or Belgium, or Holland, or…)

June 11

Temperatures recently in Berlin have been approaching 100 degrees and that has the Berliners melting just like, well, jelly donuts in a hot Arizona sun. Germans are simply not equipped for the heat. They get all red in the face, start huffing and puffing and ultimately, they just collapse into a chair in the nearest beer garden.

One of our best tips in our extensive ‘Travel Tips’ is for our guests to bring along a cotton sheet to cover up with at night. As all German, Swiss and most beds in Belgium and Holland feature a fitted bottom sheet and then a duvet which is filled with down to cover up with, many of our clients report that they could not sleep well at night because it was too hot. Yes, most hotels that are historic in nature or in small towns do NOT have air-conditioning. Why? Refer to the headline of this post.

More tips gained from 25 years of travel experience in Europe can be read here.

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