European Focus Featured in the New York Times

Our client Carl Tiedt was interviewed for this story. Carl and his wife Barbara enjoyed a 10-day tour in Germany which also included ancestral villages in Northern Germany as well as the Mosel River Valley.

Start Fresh! Our New Arrival Program for 2015 and beyond

June 12 Announcing our ‘Start Fresh’ program for all tours in 2015 and beyond! (Does not apply to current clients who are ‘grandfathered’ into whatever system we have used for them in the past) This will apply to all tours of seven or more days in length and for all travelers who have at least […]

Solar Power Revolution in Spain

May 30 YES solar power has potential to cure many of our planet’s energy problems and keep CO2 out of our atmosphere. A revolutionary power system near Seville, Spain harnesses the power of the sun to liquefy (boil) salt. That boiling salt is then used to turn water into steam, which powers turbines, creating electricity. […]

New Wine and Onion Cake in the Wine Country of Baden, Germany

October 11 from a visit there on October 8 We stopped in a lovely cafe in the village of Durbach the other day for a real treat. New wine, called ‘Federweisser’ and onion cake, called ‘Zweibelkuchen,’ which tastes great as an autumn combination. Here’s the recipe:

Jewish History in Pittigliano, Tuscany

May 10 There was once a flourishing Jewish community in this fortified Tuscan village. Kicked out of the Papal States (those areas immediately surrounding Rome) by Popes in the 16th century, a large settlement developed in Pittigliano where they were given protection by the local ruling family. In ‘Little Jerusalem’ there can be seen many […]

Another Season Begins – Year 21

I first landed in Frankfurt, Germany in July, 1989. Now more than two decades later, I’m making what has become these last fourteen years a regular journey over from Sarasota to Germany to start another season of private tours. A three hour long layover at JFK in NYC is not all bad, especially when you’re […]