Start Fresh! Our New Arrival Program for 2015 and beyond

June 12

Announcing our ‘Start Fresh’ program for all tours in 2015 and beyond! (Does not apply to current clients who are ‘grandfathered’ into whatever system we have used for them in the past)

This will apply to all tours of seven or more days in length and for all travelers who have at least a six hour time difference between their home and their destination.

As noted, this does not apply to our multiple time repeat clients who have established their own system with us which we will continue to respect.

We set up a nice hotel and assist with transportation from the airport to that hotel. (Usually a taxi) We make all the arrangements for your early check-in and rest that day. You can do what you want. Even if that includes going against our professional advice of taking a nice, long, relaxing nap on your arrival day. We start your tour at your hotel the next morning. We provide you with a welcome kit, waiting for you at that hotel, to ease your arrival and assist in your rest.

On Day 2
You – ready to go, awake and not prone to falling down stairs.
Your Guide – ready to show you an excellent experience.

Naturally, our salary does not begin until the morning of Day 2. This should bring a smile to even the hardiest of travelers faces.

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