Visiting Relatives in Willmandingen

Events occurred on September 16, 2012 A trip revolving around family history depends on connections made. One of those connections was made with the pastor of the church in tiny Willmandingen, Germany. A letter sent to the pastor’s office by Beth Renney from Fresno, California reached across the miles and the years, resulting in a […]

St. Pankratius in Hoinkhausen, Germany

September 15, 2012 The Catholic Church of Saint Pankratius is the ancestral church of Suzanne Pellegrino and Elizabeth Renney’s Mollerus ancestors, who settled in this village in the last years of the 18th century. The church was built as early as the 12th century. A stone triptych on the north entrance of the church dates […]

Grote Ancestral Farm in Mackenbruch, Lippe Detmold, Germany

An unforgettable visit to the Grote ancestral farmstead on September 7th resulted in new connections with cousins in Germany and a wealth of new information for family historian Jane Williamson of Waco, Texas. Jane and her daughter Rachel Hernandez visited Mackenbruch after a long planning process begun in July, 2010 when Jane discovered European Focus […]

Moneygall, Ireland Obama Ancestral Home in County Offaly

President Barack Obama has Irish roots on his mother’s side. The hamlet of Moneygall, about 125 kilometers to the southwest of Dublin is where the 44th president’s great-great-great grandfather Joseph Kearney lived before emigrating to America. European Focus owner James Derheim visited Moneygall on September 1 and found the village still basking in the glow […]