An Afternoon in the Alsace, France

October 9 We stayed two nights recently in a great little inn located in Gleiszellen, right on the border between the German wine country and the Alsace region of France. What better way to spend the afternoon than with a visit to a couple of colorful and charming villages along the Route du Vin? (French […]

Slow Travel in Alsace, France

October 8 Jim and Denise are enjoying their 19-day trip through southern Germany with an excursion one day to the colorful Alsace of France and a lunch stop in little Riquewihr. We like the old farm with the sundial and ‘Carpe Diem’ painting above.

We Love The Back Roads of Europe

October 9 Big Tour Buses don’t take them. Tourists on their own with just a map or GPS system don’t know where they are. But with a combined 40 years of European travel experience, the guides of European Focus Private Tours know where they are. We’re talking about those little back roads of Europe, where […]

A Visit to Soultz-sous-Forêts, Alsace, France

September 8 – from a visit on September 6 Gloria Temple’s ancestors named Bayer came from the small town of Soultz-sous-Forêts, now located in the Alsace of France. When Gloria’s ancestors lived here, this was part of the German Empire.

A Shortcut Today Through France

July 9 While making our way from Meersburg on the Bodensee of Germany over to the southwestern corner of the country and the Suedliche Weinstrasse we decided to take a short-cut through a part of France. The Alsace is loaded with picturesque, colorful villages. The deeper colors and pastels can be found on houses along […]