Having Fun in Bavaria

September 24

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Enjoying a beer garden above Berchtesgaden

Enjoying a beer garden above Berchtesgaden

Nothings as beautiful as Bavaria when the sun is shining and the sky is a deep hue of azure. We are lucky to have this kind of weather as we enjoy five days in the Alps of Germany and Austria during the first half our September 20 – October 4 tour with two couples from Texas.

It appears from the photos that all we are doing is eating and drinking. Well, that is only partly true! The driver and photographer is eating but not drinking, as driving is usually involved.

Yum and Prosit! Sausages, kraut and beer riverside in Regensburg

Yum and Prosit! Sausages, kraut and beer riverside in Regensburg

In the last couple of days we have taken in the sights of Roman Regensburg, traveled down country roads and are now enjoying the tremendous alpine vistas around Berchtesgaden with three nights at one of our favorite hotels, a hotel that makes our ‘Top 25’ best-loved and appreciated hotels in our career.

Our group at the Eagle's Nest, 6,024 feet high

Our group at the Eagle’s Nest, 6,024 feet high

Today’s highlights included a visit to the 6,024 foot high Kehlstein Mountain, site of the famous ‘Eagle’s Nest’ and to the lake of Königsee, Germany’s cleanest and deepest freshwater lake.

Stay tuned for our visit to Salzburg, one of the prettiest Austrian small cities.

Quiet scenes in Regensburg, one of Germany's oldest towns

Quiet scenes in Regensburg, one of Germany’s oldest towns

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