Keukenhof Gardens Gorgeous in April

Our first adventure of the 2011 season kicked off with the arrival of Dick, Darlene and Haley Muth on the morning of the 15th at Schiphol Airport. By 10 a.m. on the day of their arrival we were casually wandering through the extensive gardens at Keukenhof, near Lisse, Holland. This massive operation provides millions of […]

Hall, Austria is overlooked medieval jewel

We stopped for lunch in the pretty little town of Hall, Austria the other day. This much smaller version of Innsbruck has attention from Austrian and German tourists who know about it, but it’s virtually overlooked by Americans who are drawn to the larger and more well-known Innsbruck. What I like about Hall is that […]

Lunch in Cheb

We scooted across the border on Sunday for lunch in Cheb, the Czech Republic. I’ve driven by this town many times but never had a reason to stop until this time, when things just worked out for us to have lunch in the colorful square of this delightful old town.

Runkel Castle on the Lahn River

We stopped to visit Runkel Castle on the 31st of July on our way between the Rhein Valley and Hameln. This fascinating castle is one of our favorites in Germany, because it is relatively unknown and fun for all ages to explore. A historical timeline follows, with thanks to the official town web site. (Not […]