Jet Lag Tips That Make Sense

September 16 By Amy Capeta Today Fatigue, impaired memory, inability to concentrate, change in mood, digestive issues … all symptoms of jet lag, all no fun. While it’s impossible to prevent jet lag, there are ways to minimize its effects. “The fundamental definition of jet lag is that there’s a misalignment between the internal clock […]

Edinburgh’s Royal Mile

Sept 3 A stroll down Edinburgh’s historic Royal Mile from the castle perched atop a 350 million year old volcanic rock down to Holyrood Castle takes one through centuries of Scottish history. It also opens a window on the rich pageant of life along this famed avenue.

Castle Combe is England’s Frozen in Time Village

Sept 1 A stop in Castle Combe is a must while visiting England’s Cotswolds district. The hamlet is nearly perfect. All that would be needed to make it 100% so would be if the locals all dressed in period costume, say around 1801, and if they got around on horseback instead of in cars. Even […]

Salisbury’s Magnificent Cathedral

August 30 Many of the great churches took centuries to build. A master mason or a glass maker might never live to see the church completed and the first mass held. This would hold true for that craftsman’s children, grandchildren and on and on Salisbury’s cathedral was started in 1220 and finished in 1258. The […]

Hello, London Calling

April 4 Scenes from our recent visit to London of March 29 to April 2. James Derheim is helping four guests from Canada get the most out of their time in London and Paris up through April 7. James posts more content on our European Focus Private Tours page on Facebook. If you are on […]

Welcome New Arrivals from Canada to London

March 29 The 2014 tour season officially started today with guide James Derheim greeting return guests Rick and Linda Skauge and Elisabeth Anda along with first-time EF guest Dale Anda to the great city of London to start their eight day tour with James here as well as in Paris. A beautiful spring day greeted […]