After Covid-19 A New Way of Travel

European Focus was at the forefront of sustainable, sensible and sensitive travel before it got to be a trendy thing. From the very beginning, three decades ago, owner and founder James Derheim knew that there just had to be an alternative to the mass-production, mass-group tours which were concentrated on “more, more, more” rather than […]

Where Do You Want to Go in 2016?

January 28, 2016 It’s that time of the year when more than 65% of the tours that we do all year are booked. February and March see the heaviest activity on our web site, as people plan for their next adventure. Where do you want to go in 2016? And what do you want to […]

We Do Anything and Everything (Almost)

January 12, 2016 One of the advantages of taking a private, custom-designed tour in Europe is that you can shape the trip to just about anything you desire. What are your unique interests? Your passions? Let us build those into the perfect trip, which has been designed just for you and your alone (or your […]