After Covid-19 When Travel Comes Back it Will Be Private, Luxury Travel First

I started European Focus three decades ago as a custom-designed, private tour service. When I proposed the concept to the owner of a travel agency (who happened to be a family member) he scoffed and said “no one will pay that much to travel.” Now, 321 tours later, travel in general is in a “pause” mode and will likely remain so for some time. When it does rebound, the first types of travel will likely be private, custom-designed trips where people have the security of knowing their travel companions, and having the flexiblity to avoid crowds, avoid large cities and just be watched over by a competent, experience travel professional.

This is where European Focus Private Tours excels. This has always been the foundation of my business. I set the trend long before it was trendy. And by “luxury” I have never meant that we stay in places dripping with gold or that your every whim and wish is immediately gratified by a butler. Luxury means choice, options, freedom and not being herded around in a large group on a slow, lumbering bus packed full of strangers. I have never liked that concept of “mass tourism,” and still don’t today.

Here is an interesting article from Forbes which you may enjoy. See you later in Europe.

Posted in Austria Tours, Belgium Tours, Croatia Tours, England Tours, Europe Tours, Family History Tours, France Tours, Germany Tours, Hungary Tours, Ireland Tours, Italy Tours, Normandy Tours, Norway Tours, Planned Tours, Poland Tours, Portugal Tours, Private Tours in Europe, Scotland Tours, Spain Tours, Sweden Tours, Switzerland Tours and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .