
Cassis massif

We found another piece of paradise in Provence on Monday the 11th when we drove down to Cassis. We took a rather ugly route down from Arles to Marseille, passing many factories and urban housing developments. However, upon arriving in Marseille at the Vieux Port (the old harbor), we were immediately charmed by this city that has been inhabited for 26 centuries. Marseille is the 2nd largest city in France with 800,000 inhabitants. It is oftentimes referred to as the melting pot of France, due to the many different cultures found here. We toured around the old port and then drove up and out of the city, joining a road that at times offered spectacular views of the coastline but especially of the rugged, rock outcroppings that always remind Jenean of her native Utah. Arriving in Cassis, we found parking and walked down to the harbor. People were lining up for the boat excursions that go out to the Calanques. The Calanques are a series of deep inlets and soaring gorges sometimes referred to as “France’s fjords.” We decided to wait on a boat excursion until later in the week when we will return here with our guests. We spent a relaxing few hours on the beach and even swam in the barely 75 degree Mediterranean. Floating out there in the heavy swells with the massive red rock cliff off to our right and the deep blue of the water below was truly an experience to remember.

Jenean feels this way about Provence: “A land that has many things to offer to everyone, no matter their interests. Incredible landscapes, great museums, fun markets, good shopping, prehistoric history, Roman sites, wonderful food and wine. But to me, Provence is all about the natural beauty and the multitude of outdoor activities available along with the ever present water.”

Come to Provence!

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