What a Year Lies Ahead!

Our new VW van, ready for an exciting 2011 season

The year 2011 is turning out, so far, to be our most exciting and varied season of travel ever. Starting on April 11 with Jim’s departure for Europe, our travels with our private tour clients will include tulip season in the Netherlands, a visit to the watery city of Brugge, genealogy exploration in Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany), the pilgrimage trail to the burial place of St. James in Spain, Lisbon, many parts of southern Spain, Provence, Switzerland, Paris, travel throughout central and northern Italy, many parts of southern, central and northern Germany and that’s just “so far!” We’re still planning trips for other clients even as you read this. Jenean is scheduled to depart for Europe on May 1 and our third guide, Jeff Gabardi, on May 3.

The first blogs will cover Tulip Time! in the Netherlands with Dick, Darlene and Haley from South Dakota followed by ancestral discoveries with Bill and Gini from Minnnesota. Jim’s looking forward to starting the exciting 2011 season with guests from the area of the country where he grew up.

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