Prague’s Secret Garden

October 18 We made a new discovery today together with a visit to Prague’s wonderful Secret Garden, located below Prague Castle. It truly is a secret, only a small door leading off a busy street with no English signage. One has to be a bit adventurous to find it. We spent a happy hour wandering […]

Interesting Architecture Abounds in Prague

May 5 It’s just amazing how gorgeous and interesting an ancient European capital city can be as long as it is not bombed to smithereens every fifty years or so. Prague is a city which survived World War II and the immense destructive power of aerial bombardment totally unscathed. The result is block after block, […]

Touring around Prague in the Praha Lady

May 2 We took a guided tour the other day in Prague with our driver Jerry and his very special lady. The “Praha Lady” is truly one of a kind, built in 1938 and in pristine condition thanks to a very particular owner who usually keeps this treasure safely in his garage. However, due to […]