Better festivals in Germany than the Munich Oktoberfest Mania

Yes, I have taken clients to Oktoberfest in the past and I expect to do the same in the future. But for those who really want a true locals’ experience there are far better ways to drink large amounts of German beer and eat typical food. That’s me in 2017 at the Oktoberfest when we […]

Where Do You Want To Go Next?

October 2, 2015 James just finished a very unique trip with a mother and her 29 year-old son from near Boise, Idaho. When asked where in the world he wanted to go, young Andrew said he wanted to experience the Alps and some of Southern Germany. We worked together on an itinerary which fit in […]

Welcome New Arrivals from Texas

September 22 Brothers Philip and Lin and their wives Diane and Jennifer just arrived in Germany to begin their two week adventure in Germany and Austria. This is the first time in the heart of Europe for the two couples. We started with Germany’s best-preserved medieval town, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, where by coincidence their […]