Praise for Genealogist Georg Grüneberg Specializing in Brandenburg

From Dena Ward, who hired Georg Grüneberg to do research for her in Brandenburg, Germany. Herr Grüneberg did work for Dena and her sister Grace in advance of our visit to the area in October, 2008. He has since done much more work, and Dena’s comments of August 23 are:

I just wanted to let you know that we have heard from Georg with fantastic results! He has added eleven more surnames and names of individuals that go back to the early 1600’s. How glad I am that you and George took us to the church in Moedlich where you took pictures. The Moedlich church is indeed one of our ancestral churches. And now Georg tells me that he has even more to report! I’m overwhelmed!
– Dena Ward
Michigan, USA

Contact Herr Grüneberg through his web site at

Georg Grueneberg and Dena Ward

Georg Grueneberg and Dena Ward

Posted in Family History Tours, Germany Tours, New Discoveries and tagged , , , , , , , , .