Prague’s disappearing Jalopy Tradition

July 3

(From a trip we  did to Prague in May)

Our guests Dan and Roy enjoy their tour around Prague with one of the last vintage jalopies

Our guests Dan and Roy enjoy their tour around Prague with one of the last vintage jalopies

One of the best ways to experience Prague is by hiring a driver and an old jalopy. We’ve been doing this for years, and it is always a great time. A bit on the expensive side, but worth it  if you have the right driver, which we always do. His number is on my cell phone speed dial. This last time we were with him was bittersweet. We learned that due to pollution controls, these old rattletraps will soon be disappearing from Prague’s bumpy inner town streets. These old ladies from the 1920s and 30s spew out too much pollution, and inner cities across the EU are cracking down on this. Vehicles must pass a certification test to be allowed into the heart of any historic town. These jalopies can’t even come close to passing these tests, and so, they are gradually being replaced by modern replicas. The replicas don’t smell. They don’t shake or vibrate. They don’t make noise. And they lack charm. Too bad, enjoyed you while you lasted.

Anyone want to buy a 1929 jalopy?

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