We love to spoil our guests

Some of our young guests being spoiled by our personal guide service in Noyers, Burgundy

Some of our young guests in Noyers, Burgundy

European Focus Private Tours are the antidote to all of the upcharging and exhaustion-inducing “touring” forced on people by the mass produced travel industry. We don’t nickel and dime our guests. Your final payment is your final payment, period. Meals are included – and our guests choose what they want from the menu. No “optional” charges and no tipping. When it comes to relaxation level, our guests have it all, and then some. We take the back roads and truly get to know the country we’re visiting. That’s why fully a third of our tours each season are with people coming back for their 2nd, third or more trip. Give us a chance to completely spoil you, too!

Posted in Private Tours in Europe.