A Private Tour in Europe – Benefit Number 431

Bus tours run you ragged with a planned schedule and a dawn to dusk itinerary which leaves zero time for spontaneous stops to take in the grandeur of the place you’re visiting. European Focus Tours are the opposite, allowing plenty of time for “doing your own thing,” even if that is stopping often to take pictures. Photo enthusiasts Art and Carol just wrapped up their third trip in as many years with European Focus, touring Ireland for two weeks in May and June. Carol snaps a photo of Art along the Slea Head Drive in Dingle, Ireland. Say "Guinness!"

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One Comment

  1. With about 5 days remaining on our tour I came down with a stomach problem. Although not violent, I could not even think of dealing with food or drink. Well , we arrived in Dingle and Jim had booked Carol and me into the Chart House a lovely restaurant with seafood on the menu. Well, as there was no way that I was going to be able eat that night I asked Jim if we could get a pizza for Carol with some red wine delivered to our room at Greenmount House and some Kentucky Bourbon for me as medicine for my stomach. Jim did all that and as Carol ate I sipped Bourbon over ice and the next morning was ready to see the sights of the Dingle area. Now, if you were on a bus tour and had a similar problem, what chance would you have that your guide and or driver would have provided the service that Jim did for us.I think that I just named benefit # 432.

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