Today on the Dingle Peninsula

A photo collection from the day’s travels around the Dingle Peninsula.

Margaret Reisinger walks to an old farm on Slea Head

Margaret Reisinger walks to an old farm on Slea Head

Jennifer Anda waits patiently for Funghie the dolphin to appear in Dingle Bay

Jennifer Anda waits patiently for Funghie the dolphin to appear in Dingle Bay

Pppulation before the famine: 50,000 and after: 15,000

Population before the 1845- 59 famine: 50,000 and in 2009: 15,000

At the end of the day, Jim's reward is poured at Dick Mack's Pub

At the end of the day, Jim's reward is poured at Dick Mack's Pub

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