Exploring Ireland

Most people take at least one vacation per year, sometimes more than one. Not hard working Bernie Friese from Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. He waited 34 years to visit Ireland, land of his forefathers. His last real vacation was in 1986 to the Pacific Northwest and Utah. In between, he raised a family, ran […]

Staying on a sheep farm in County Tipperary, Ireland

We love our visits to grand and gracious Dualla House just outside of Cashel, Tipperary, Ireland because it means we get to see working sheep dogs herding the thousand or so sheep which graze on green pastures around the grand Georgian farmhouse where we sleep. Mairead and Martin Power are the most accommodating of hosts. […]

Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland at Sunset

We enjoyed an evening stroll around ancient Hore Abbey on the outskirts of Cashel today before a late, light dinner at a pub. The glow of the sunset against the 13th century ruins of Hore Abbey is always magical, especially for first-time Ireland visitors Bob, Paula and Audrey.