Salisbury’s Magnificent Cathedral

August 30 Many of the great churches took centuries to build. A master mason or a glass maker might never live to see the church completed and the first mass held. This would hold true for that craftsman’s children, grandchildren and on and on Salisbury’s cathedral was started in 1220 and finished in 1258. The […]

Chartres, France is a medieval jewel

May 2 We just finished two days of exploring Chartres, a city about a hour to the south and west of Paris but many more miles away in terms of peace and a small-town feeling evoking a time more than 900 years ago. Chartres is not just amazing for its huge cathedral, although that is […]

The Cathedral of Cologne, Germany

September 14, 2012 The immense cathedral of Cologne, Germany was built as a suitable resting place for the remains of the Three Kings who, as the Bible tells the story, visited the newborn Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The relics were brought to Cologne in 1146, having been removed […]