Scenes around Burgundy, France

May 9 We are on an 18-day adventure with repeat clients Gayle and Peter from Amarillo, Texas. We started this trip in Chartres, France and will end in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Along the way we are exploring historic sites connected with the medieval pilgrimage route from France to Santiago. Millions of feet have passed […]

Noyers-sur-Serein, France

June 11 After lunch at Auberge de la Beursaudiere in nearby Nitry, Burgundy, we walked around the medieval town of Noyers-sur-Serein, a lovely assembly of half-timbered houses, cobblestoned streets, slate roofs and interesting and picturesque corners everywhere you turn. We love taking our guests to this special place. While well-known amongst the French, it is […]