Meersburg Zum Baeren Hotel, Traditional Inn, Exceptional Service

Great service from the team at Zum Baeren in Meersburg

We stayed a night in Meersburg on Lake Konstanz, southern Germany on our way south into France. Betty and Bob have stayed here before, in fact, they have stayed in Room 23, which was the very same room we arranged for them this time. It’s one of two oriel rooms overlooking the little square in front of this inn, built in 1605. Host Michael Gilowsky runs the kitchen while his assistance Svenja Dreher runs the front desk. Here’s a shot of the group on departure just after Svenja had provided Betty with a special folding stool to bring along for those times when there is no place to sit and take a load off your feet. That stool has come in handy ever since!

Room 23 is the best room in the house at the Zum Baeren

Jenean Derheim at the medieval tower near the Hotel zum Baeren

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