A Snowy Surprise in Tyrol, Austria

October 11

We woke this morning at our lodge in the hamlet of Lans to about ten inches of new snow covering every surface and filling the surrounding pines with a heavy layer of white. It was the perfect morning for a drawn out, lazy breakfast followed by some organizing in the room before we set out at about 11:30 for a laundry errand in Innsbruck. By then, the traffic accidents resulting from too many drivers attempting the conditions with summer tires had been cleared. Workers were busy removing limbs from trees, still heavy with leaves, which had fallen due to the heavy, wet snow. Austrians are just as surprised as we are. According to our innkeeper, it is a month too early for this kind of snow. But, being visitors with no obligations, we enjoyed it immensely.
A late lunch in a cozy, tucked away bistro followed by some shopping at an enclosed market hall with tastings of cheese followed by a glass of red wine while taking in the stunning panorama of snow-bedecked mountains rising sharply behind Innsbruck’S colorful 16th and 15th century houses.
You couldn’t plan a day like this.

Surprise! We woke to more than ten inches of fresh snow on top of everything, including our touring van

Surprise! We woke to more than ten inches of fresh snow on top of everything, including our touring van

The view from room 12 combines a bit of fall with a winter scene

The view from room 12 combines a bit of fall with a winter scene

A good day to taste wine from Austria and the Southern Tyrol

A good day to taste wine from Austria and the Southern Tyrol

Clouds start to lift

Clouds start to lift

The mountains above Lans

The mountains above Lans

Denise and Jim outside of Sistrans as the sun starts to set

Denise and Jim outside of Sistrans as the sun starts to set

Sistrans at sundown

Sistrans at sundown

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